On Becoming a Dictator
My computer has dictation software that I’ve never used. Setting it up is more difficult for people who live with less than perfect vision. Since I took a full year of typing class in high school and type at a speed that must be slowed down to allow the computer keys to keep up with me, I haven’t even thought about dictating what I write—until now. When I was making many choices about creating this new blog, Blogger tried helping me choose the URL. Some sort of artificial intelligence connected some dots and came up with “The Blind Librarian.” I considered it, tried it, deleted it. It just didn’t feel right. I decided to research “blind librarian” on BARD, the NLS audio book download website. I found biographies of the Argentinian writer and blind librarian (who had no library training), Jorge Luis Borges. I downloaded books about him in order to learn how this blind librarian performed his duties. He did so...